G i r l s  G o  S e r i e s  .
May Peace Be Upon You!

Quote for Today

There is in every true woman's heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in
the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in
the dark hour of adversity.

~ Washington Irving ~

Girls So Series FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Girls-Go-Series/230235890200?ref=ts (Copy & Paste this URL)


Ladies, let's pack our bags & break some sweat in the sun this Ramadhan... It's a month of strength & excellence, so...Let's Bring It On!

When? 29 - 30 Aug '09 | 8 - 9 Ramadhan 1430H

Time? 9 am (Sat) - 11 am (Sun)

Where? Dairy Farm & Masjid Assyakirin

GGS T-Shirt to be given away...FREE!

(If you like the T-shirt, you may want to purchase for the important lady in your life @ only $5. That's 50% the actual price!)

Girls Go Camping 09 HIGHLIGHTS:
Beauty Defined * The Crux (Rock Climbing) * Night Serenity * Mass Iftar & Terawih under The Stars * Qiyamullail (notes provided)

Please click on the tab 'blog' for updates on Girls Go Camping!

Remember to leave a message on the tag board ;)